by Joe Godfrey | Feb 15, 2016 | SavvyAnalysis Puzzlers
I saw the phrase “fueling speculation” in a political context this week and wondered how those two words became attached in our lexicon. Why didn’t “provoking” or “prompting” or “eliciting” catch on the way...
by Mike Busch | Feb 1, 2016 | AOPA Pilot Magazine, Magazine Articles
Maintenance decisions need to be fact- and evidence-based. The current owner of the vintage J-model Bonanza emailed me for advice. He’d purchased the airplane just four months earlier with a fresh annual inspection, and was already stressing out about what to do about...
by Joe Godfrey | Jan 15, 2016 | SavvyAnalysis Puzzlers
The 14th century friar William of Ockham would probably cringe to know that his lofty and articulate principle “Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate” has been boiled down to “Keep it Simple.” The Latin translates to...
by Mike Busch | Jan 1, 2016 | AOPA Pilot Magazine, Magazine Articles
When requesting maintenance, the words you use can be very important. The voice on the phone identified himself as a Cessna 182 owner—let’s call him Jim—who said he was considering overhauling his O-470-R engine and could use some advice. I asked Jim why he was...