by Joe Godfrey | Oct 19, 2019 | SavvyAnalysis Puzzlers
Last month I said I would write about this so let’s end the suspense. I’ve been saving data for well over a year. I noticed this pattern before that, but started saving examples in mid 2018. So what is it? In the spirit of good Puzzling, I’ll provide...
by Joe Godfrey | Sep 16, 2019 | SavvyAnalysis Puzzlers
It’s that time in the baseball season when teams calculate their magic number – the combination of their wins and losses by others that will clinch the pennant. Computer programmers use the term for something unrelated to baseball. Either way, it seems...
by Joe Godfrey | Aug 17, 2019 | SavvyAnalysis Puzzlers
When it comes to troubleshooting issues with an aircraft engine, it’s probably safe to say that any engine data is better than no data at all. Data from cruise flights can tell us about the airplane’s normal operations, and when we have enough data from an...
by Joe Godfrey | Jul 13, 2019 | SavvyAnalysis Puzzlers
I have written about this before, but not in two years, and with lots of new clients and a couple of new Savvy services in that time, it seemed like a good time for a biennial review. The comedians are fond of saying, “Timing is everything.” I think the quality of the...
by Joe Godfrey | Jun 15, 2019 | SavvyAnalysis Puzzlers
The US stock market volatility index is sometimes called the fear index. Usually when the VIX is spiking to new highs, investors are bailing out and other indexes are tumbling. We had one of these events last last year – after a jittery October and November,...