The Unusual Suspects

One of the classic lines in Casablanca comes from Claude Rains playing Captain Renault: “Round up the usual suspects.” In engine monitor analysis, when we see an EGT or CHT diverge from normalcy, it’s often the result of a...

Ghosts in the Machine

For this Halloween Puzzler I chose three charts. The first was trick-y, and finding the source of the problem was a treat. The next one is a little scary, and the last one is downright spooky. Let’s get started. First up is the Right engine of a Baron...

The Paper Chase

For this back-to-school Puzzler I chose two very different scenarios. Let’s apply our analytical skills and see if we can solve them. First up is a normally aspirated SR-22 with a Continental IO-550-N. This is a test profile flight, with a series of GAMI sweeps...

Jumping to Conclusions

While channel surfing recently I tuned into the opening scene of 12 Angry Men. It had been years since I had seen it, so I decided to give it a go. It’s not a flashy movie, it’s in black-and-white, and except for the final scene on the courthouse...

Big Data

The web says that big data is a catch-all phrase for data sets that are so large that traditional processing applications are inadequate. Even though Savvy Analysis is just approaching its 3rd birthday, let’s call it a traditional processing application. On my...