
Judging from the ratings, I’m not the only one that just finished watching Succession. I’m an only child, and often wondered what it would be like to have siblings. Granted, it’s fiction, and granted it’s a supremely dysfunctional family, but...

Better off Without it?

Most of the time engine data is an important tool for helping us with powerplant management during a flight, and choosing efficient options when maintenance is needed. If you’re a regular Puzzler reader, you’ve seen lots of examples of that. But every once...

Engine Data Analysis for Prebuy Exams

In a prebuy exam, the logbooks are the most important item to review. If the logbooks check out ok, reviewing a set of borescope pictures is a good next step. If there are no dealbreakers so far, take a look at the engine data – at least for the last couple of...

Edge Case

After ten years of reviewing engine data, it’s getting harder to hit us with something we haven’t seen before. This month we had the usual contingent of clogged injectors, weak spark and induction leaks. But we had a few scenarios that caused some head...

Is Flying Safer Now?

As Savvy Analysis turns ten, I thought I would try and see if the data shows that more engine monitors and more data analysis over the last ten years contributed to fewer accidents attributed to mechanical failure. You would think so, right? Engine data should make it...