Hiccups Part 2

In our last episode, we looked at events that seem to happen randomly, versus something that breaks and stays broken. Let’s call them hiccups. I had too many for one Puzzler, so this is Hiccups Part 2. The annoying thing about hiccups is there’s no...

Hiccups Part 1

Hold your nose and drink a glass of water. Take a deep breath and hold it. Have someone scare you. There are lots of “cures” for the human hiccups. Don’t try these when your airplane hiccups. If you could choose, would you rather deal with something...

Ground Effect

Pilots think of ground effect as the reduced aerodynamic drag that happens under the wing to cushion a landing or help with a short-field takeoff. Analysts, who are also all pilots by the way, think of it as what happens when a poor ground connection for an engine...

Bang for Your Buck IV

I have written about this before, every two years since 2015, and with lots of new clients and some new services since last time, it seemed like a good time for a biennial review. The comedians are fond of saying, “Timing is everything.” I think the quality of the...

Can Engine Data Spot a Worn Cam?

I’ll admit that coming up with a clever title is one of the rewards of writing a monthly article. But I didn’t spend a second trying to find a clever or arcane title for this one. I wanted it to be clear what this month’s topic is. The puzzle is...