Make an informed decision about what make and model to purchase
Get feedback on a shortlist of aircraft you've had your eye on
Receive a FREE preliminary logbook review
Expert Advice and Preliminary Logbook Review
We conduct a preliminary logbook review of up to three aircraft to ensure there are no red flags and advise prospective buyers on which aircraft appears to be the best purchase candidate.
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If you don’t already have a Savvy account, you’ll need to create one first. It’s free!
- Click the button below.
- Create a free Savvy account.
- Submit a Prebuy Inquiry Ticket.
Already have a Savvy account?
Fill out our online buyer inquiry form, and our team of experts will help you. That’s free, too!
- Click the button below.
- Log into your Savvy account.
- Submit a Prebuy Inquiry Ticket.
2 | Savvy-Managed Prebuy Examinations
Available to SavvyMx Plan clients only
Our flagship SavvyMx Plan includes one Savvy-managed prebuy and one Savvy-managed annual inspection per subscription year. (Additional prebuys or inspections are available for a supplementary fee.)
Before Savvy can manage your prebuy, you will first need to have entered into a written Conditional Purchase/Sale Agreement with the seller that grants you permission to have a prebuy examination of the aircraft conducted by a shop or mechanic of your choice within a reasonable distance from where the aircraft is located (typcally within one hour’s flying time).
AOPA offers a sample agreement you can use as a starting point, and Savvy has a purchase/sale agreement punchlist covering important provisions that should be in your agreement with the seller. Once you’ve signed a contract with the seller, you can enroll the aircraft in the SavvyMx Plan and we can start work scheduling and managing your prebuy.
During Savvy-managed prebuy examination, we zealously advocate for buyers (we never represent sellers). Here’s how:
Reviewing your purchase/sale agreement to ensure your interests are protected. (Seller/broker-furnished agreements are often stacked for the seller).
Contacting multiple shops in the vicinity of the aircraft’s location to find a shop competent, capable, and willing to perform your prebuy examination.
Providing a detailed checklist, tailored to the aircraft, to the selected prebuy shop. Our two-phase checklists are designed to catch show-stoppers early.
Arranging a test flight to ensure the aircraft and avionics perform properly.
Reviewing the prebuy and test flight findings to inform your decision to purchase, negotiate or walk away
Coaching you through your final negotiations with the seller until you close the deal and title is transferred
Let our team of experts guide you through it.

Decide what make and model you want to own based on your typical mission profile and preferences.

Identify a purchase candidate by searching sites like: Aircraft Shopper, Barnstormers, Controller or Trade-a-Plane.

Request a free Savvy review of the aircraft's maintenance records (logbooks) to evaluate its history and look for red flags.

Make an offer on the aircraft that is accepted by the seller.

Draft and sign a conditional purchase/sale agreement granting you the right to conduct a prebuy examination by a mechanic of your choice within a reasonable distance (1 hour flying time) of the aircraft's location.

Enroll the aircraft in SavvyMx and ask Savvy to arrange and manage a prebuy examination of the aircraft.

Based on the prebuy findings, conduct final price negotiations with the seller.

Complete the purchase and transfer title from seller to buyer.

Arrange for the prebuy shop to perform any needed repairs or, if appropriate, an annual inspection.

Ferry the aircraft to its new home base.
TRY SavvyFree.
Savvy clients at every level have access to The Savvy Platform – The world’s leading software for analyzing information gathered from piston aircraft data monitors.
Self-analyzing your engine data for free using the same powerful analytical tools our professional data analysts use with SavvyFree.