Savvy Stories

Hear real-life stories of problems experienced by aircraft owners and how Savvy helped resolve them.
Some names have been changed for privacy.

The First Breakdown

To mark the 117th anniversary of the first breakdown in aviation history, we are announcing a major price reduction in our SavvyBreakdown service.

A Trio of AOGs

A call to Savvy’s 24/7 hotline saved the day for Tanner, Dave and Carl when they found themselves “aircraft on ground.”

Grounded by Glass

Cascading failures of multiple avionics systems interrupted Kim’s transition training in the glass-cockpit Cirrus SR22T she’d just purchased.

Paid for a Peach but got a Lemon

A fresh annual inspection included with an aircraft purchase sounded pretty good to the buyer, until he got home and realized he’d bought a bucket of trouble. A Savvy-managed prebuy examination could have saved him a lot of money.

Cylinder Cracks – Or Are They?

Ken asked his shop to take a look at the fuel pump on his Cessna 180. The mechanic told Ken that two of his cylinders were cracked and needed replacing. Ken asked us for help and we saved him $6,000.
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