Flying is full of acronyms. GUMP, ADS-B, BFR, NTSB, ASRS, AOPA, EAA, NBAA, GA, WOXOF, NORDO, GPS, ILS, VOR, FARs, the 6 T’s – the list goes on. Add online chatting and texting and it’s almost TMI. In engine data analysis we have our own acronyms, and the last page of the Savvy analysis report form explains what they mean. In this puzzler I want to cover GAMI, GIGO and FOD. Not actually GAMI the company – whose research and innovation gave a much-needed boost to GA when it needed one. GAMi as in spread – the calculation of mixture distribution determined by comparing the EGT peaks as fuel flow changes. GIGO stands for garbage in garbage out, and FOD is foreign object damage. With GAMI sweeps, we get the most reliable results by beginning the test at 100º F rich of peak, then leaning to the onset of engine roughness, then richening back to the setting for 100º F ROP. We like to have a series of three such sweeps for reliable analysis. Here’s a set of sweeps with excellent pace, and consistent rich start points and lean end points. (The blue trace is fuel flow.) Now let’s zoom […]